1. Regular repair and upkeep of the railway system
2. System or device used to manage the railway operations
2. Passenger vehicle attached to the suspension railway
3. Equipment that allows railcars to switch tracks
4. Process of providing power to the suspension railway
5. Force that propels the railcar forward
6. Plan or arrangement of the suspension railway
7. Transport system using tracks for suspension vehicles
8. Component that connects the railcar to the cable
9. Enclosed space for passengers in the railcar
10. Indication to communicate information on the railway
11. Raised area where passengers access the railcar
12. Material used to construct the railway track
13. Concerns and measures to ensure passenger protection
13. Incline or decline along the track
14. Strong, flexible structure that supports the railcar
15. Device that provides power for the suspension railway
16. Vertical support structure for the suspension railway